Non-Verbal Parenting: More Musings

Empower non-verbal forms of communication… “You must speak because we said so.” It’s maddening!​

Non-Verbal Parenting: A Musing

When I was younger, I only had non-verbal episodes under extreme stress or extreme relaxation (guess which of those happened more often) and there was always something within me that knew that it didn’t depend upon me and my needs but on what others expected of me.

Hyper-Arousal Diary – Day Four

So… Three points of focus for me right now, channeling the inner rage, frustration, disappointment and cPTSD to fuel that focus… Because the gods know I can’t use sleep, food and normal energy to fuel it!

Multigenerational Educational Trauma in Action!

This is what multigenerational trauma looks like… It’s not pretty or eloquent. It’s not a line chart or a graph of statistics… It’s ugly and messy and heartbreaking.

Charley & Me Diaries – Day 3 – Goodbye Charley

I regret to end this review with the following – I absolutely cannot recommend this app.

Charley & Me Diaries – Day 2

It’s not going well…

Neurotypical Bashing…

I wrote this on my Facebook earlier after getting some pretty upsetting messages from so called friends who told me that they were fed up of being attacked for being neurotypical by me recently. I thought I’d share it here, unedited, as it makes some good points that I thought might resonate with others… Ok…Continue reading “Neurotypical Bashing…”

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